Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Organisational development and culture of university

MLU sees gender equality as a cross-sectional task of the university that must be supported by all members of the university and considered everywhere. The realisation of this understanding relies on diversity-sensitive participatory procedures and competencies, transparency, communication and resources. It is a strategic management task and is linked and networked with other cross-sectional tasks at all levels as part of organisational development. Equality-oriented quality management is a basic prerequisite for future-oriented and sustainable organisational development.
The university obliges its members and affiliates to contribute to a respectful, diversity-appreciative and discrimination-sensitive approach and supports disadvantaged persons through transparent, low-threshold and reliable procedures, confidential counselling and support services, official complaints procedures, compensation for disadvantages and positive measures.

Consideration of gender equality for the strategic positioning

The strategy of Martin Luther University takes into account the cross-sectional task of gender equality both with regard to the overall orientation (university development plan) and with regard to concrete goals and measures (target agreement with the state).

The university formulates its equality strategies in the mission statement on equality in order to implement structural and personnel measures (current women's advancement plan/ gender equality concept) for the realisation of gender equality and family friendliness in a diversity-oriented, transparent, competitive and sustainable manner. These are supplemented by the diversity statement and the current action programme for the audit family-friendly university certificate.

Martin Luther University participates in reporting on the DFG's research-oriented equality and diversity standards.

Structures to support the establishment of gender equality and implementation of the gender mainstreaming approach

Gender equality is anchored as a strategic management task. Responsibility for the topic lies with the Rector, who is supported by the Diversity and Equal Opportunities Unit and the Advisory Board for Diversity and Equal Opportunities.  Under her responsibility, the topic of gender equality is interlinked with the other relevant diversity perspectives.

  • Advice, coordination of strategy development, conceptualisation and implementation of measures by the Diversity and Equal Opportunities Unit
  • University Equal Opportunities Officer
    The central and decentralised Equal Opportunities Officers are involved as voting or advisory members in all collegial bodies and in all appointment and staffing procedures. They help to ensure that gender equality aspects are taken into account in all decisions made by the university and the faculties.
    The Equal Opportunities Office, which has a part-time secretarial position and a half-time consultant position, supports the University Equal Opportunities Officer, who can be released from work to the equivalent of a full-time position.
  • Equal Opportunities Commission

As a committee of the Faculty Equal Opportunities Officers and representatives of the central institutions, it supports the University Equal Opportunities Officer.

  • Decentralised measures

In recent years, the faculties have repeatedly taken specific measures to attract female students to subjects in which women are underrepresented among students and to encourage female students to pursue an academic career.

The members of the faculties have been/are sensitised to issues of gender equality in research/academia and teaching through specific offers. The findings of gender and diversity research are taken into account in the design of study, qualification and employment conditions. Individual faculties are already systematically addressing the issue of gender equality.

Gender and diversity sensitive language

In order to address all members of the university equally, gender-equitable language is an essential prerequisite. The university is committed to using gender-equitable language in all official documents as well as in its public relations work and university marketing.

Interlocking relevant cross-sectional tasks of the university with the topic of gender equality

The aim is to bundle and strategically interlink the diversity dimensions established at MLU into a cross-thematic, intersectional diversity concept.

Martin Luther University took part in the "Vielfalt an deutschen Hochschulen" initiative of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with the project “Making diversity visible - experiencing diversity - reducing the risk of discrimination”. The project's impulse is taken up and the process for a diversity concept is initiated. /

Implementation of transparent and preventative protection against discrimination

The University is committed to active protection against discrimination, both through its mission statement on equality and its diversity statement. It is closely linked to the measures for gender equality, inclusion and family justice via the Diversity and Equal Opportunities Office.

Raising awareness through counselling, further training and support services

Consideration of gender-specific needs in company and student health management programmes
