Studying and Teaching
Since gender equality is a cross-sectional task, issues in the context of studying and teaching are also a subject of work for the Rectorate Commission on the Future of Studying and Teaching. Goals and measures are formulated based on evidence and in participatory processes.
Counselling and information services accompany the implementation and development processes together with cooperation partners inside and outside the university.
- Student-centred, competence- and resource-oriented design of studies and teaching
- Setting gender- and diversity orientation as quality criteria of teaching
- Promotion courses on gender and diversity topics
- The use of gender-equitable language
- Measures to achieve a balanced gender ratio in all degree programmes
- Measure to counteract discrimination and (sexual) harassment
Student-centred, competence- and resource-oriented design of studies and teaching
Creation of a student-centred, competence- and resource-oriented design of studies and teaching that takes into account the different study and life situations of students referring to place, time, organisation, procedure, infrastructure. University focuses in the context of equal opportunities on flexible study programmes and promotes the compatibility of studying and family work. This means that everyone can successfully benefit from the courses on offer according to their abilities.
- Study and examination regulations create flexible framework conditions for lecturers and students, especially those with families, that means maternity, breastfeeding, care for children and care for relatives care for relatives
- Childcare services in cooperation with other providers
- Training for lecturers aiming to raise awareness und for sensitization in teaching
- Information and sensitization via recommendations and guidelines
- Free menstruation products
- Discrimination-sensitive treatment of trans*, inter* and non-binary students in courses
- Name and gender status change at MLU
- All-gender toilets
Setting gender- and diversity orientation as quality criteria of teaching
- Trainings e.g. gender- and diversity-sensitive programmes on university didactics with specific programmes, e.g. Workshop: Diversity in teaching and science; TINklusive Hochschule?! Sensitivity in dealing with gender diversity; Workshop: Queer at the university: impulses for teaching; Workshop: Inclusive university teaching
- Subject of events, e.g. of the annual Teaching day
Promotion courses on gender and diversity topics
- Courses on gender and diversity issues should be promoted wherever possible
- Visualisation of gender and diversity as a teaching subject
- Certificate Gender Studies with Interdisciplinary course catalogue
- Gender Studies Library
- Lecture series
- Support programmes, e.g. workspace for gender(studies) projects, writing week.
The use of gender-equitable language
The use of gender-equitable language should become a matter of course in teaching:
- Specific training offers and information related to studying and teaching
- Overview of the organisational development and university culture
Measures to achieve a balanced gender ratio in all degree programmes
The university strives for a balanced gender ratio in all degree programmes. It therefore takes measures to break down the still prevalent stereotypical choice of subject. The university supports and promotes activities aimed at successful graduation and the retention of women in academia as well as making the potential of women in study and teaching, research and university self-administration visible
- Support for female students in degree programmes in which they are underrepresented, Tutor programme
- Support for female students with a work-related employment ban due to maternity regulations
- Centralised and decentralised gender-sensitive measures to address pupils and prospective students of all genders
- Measures for the visibility of female scientists as role models
Measure to counteract discrimination and (sexual) harassment
- Overview of measures see organisational development and university culture
- Counselling centres for students
- Complaints procedure with complaints offices for students
- Information, sensitisation and further training for all members of the university