GZK2018.pdf (405.1 KB) vom 04.12.2018
Abschlussbericht_MLU_Halle-Wittenberg.pdf (1.3 MB) vom 12.07.2013
15. Frauenförderplan 2022-23 endg.pdf (1.1 MB) vom 07.02.2023
Flyer Leitbild Gleichstellung.pdf (3 MB) vom 12.06.2020
Leitbild Gleichstellung der MLU.pdf (335.6 KB) vom 12.06.2020
University development plan 2024
(1.7 MB) vom 06.09.2024
Gender Equality Plan
(913.3 KB) vom 09.09.2024
Prof. Dr. Claudia Becker
phone: +49 345 55 21000
Universitätsplatz 10
06108 Halle
Martina Langnickel
Leitung der Stabsstelle Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit
phone: +49 345 55 21 006
Universitätsplatz 10
06108 Halle
Gender equality
The Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg is committed to the principles of equality, equal opportunities, anti-discrimination, family-friendliness in all areas linked to academia, research support and teaching and learning. Corresponding goals and tasks are included in all strategic aims, programmes and measures that determine the profile and development of the university. The university is convinced that diversely composed working groups contribute to the diversity of perspectives, skills, and experience to achieve particularly good research results.
In fulfilment of its tasks, the university is committed to ensuring that persons of all genders have equal opportunities for development and performance in according with their qualification. It promotes the actual realisation of equal rights for women and men and works towards the elimination of existing barriers.
Considering the principle of gender mainstreaming, the university defines its gender equality strategies in a mission statement within the framework of a gender equality concept to implement structural and personnel measures to achieve gender equality and family friendliness in a diversity orientated, transparent, competitive, and sustainable manner on this basis. These guidelines aim to create equal opportunities between women and men and at the same time are aimed at promoting diversity of personalities, life models and career paths at the university.
At the central level, the topic of gender equality is anchored in the Rectorate. The Rector is responsible for the topic. The Diversity and Equal Opportunities Unit and the Advisory Board for Diversity and Equal Opportunities support her.
The Equal Opportunities Officers provide university management with relates expert, independent, support. They participate in all relevant personal, organisational and social measures relating to gender equality, conciliation of work, care and family for all genders, protection against sexual harassment in the workplace. They are supported by an Equal Opportunities Office and the Equal Opportunities Officers on faculty level or Equal Opportunities Officers for the central institutions.
Strategy, guidelines and concepts on gender equality
The Gender Equality Plan forms a bracket for all relevant strategies and catalogues of objectives and measures. With the adoption of the mission statement on gender equality, the diversity statement and the university development plan, the Academic Senate has affirmed its goal of creating a gender-equitable and diversity-sensitive higher education culture taking into account intersectional perspectives, as well. The university implements the principle of gender mainstreaming in the way it is fixed by the regional Women's Promotion Act and the State University Act . Gender equality is linked to other crosscutting tasks, which leads to the cross-thematic anchoring of gender equality measures. The promotion plan for women contains current measures for femal employees that directly face gender-specific obstacles. It is re-evaluated and renewed every two years. The gender equality concept was finalised in 2018 and served as the basis for participation in the Women Professors' Programme III.
The GEP contrains the following main fields of action:
- Studying and teaching
- Academia, research and gender equality
- Training and communication
- Monitoring and Gendercontrolling
- Organizational development and culture of university
Advisory Board for Gender Equality
Mitglieder Gleichstellungsbeirat 2020.pdf
(105.2 KB) vom 12.06.2020