Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


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Picture for certificate

Picture for certificate

The GENDER STUDIES certificate offers a basic introduction to the theories, methods and concepts of interdisciplinary gender and queer studies and promotes a critical examination of gender relations and discrimination mechanisms. [more...]

ASQ and Lecture Series

Picture for ASQ and Lecture Series

Picture for ASQ and Lecture Series

The gender*bildet network office offers its own courses for students in the current semester. These include the lecture series in the winter semester, as well as seminars with a focus on gender and queer studies, which also count towards the ASQ. [more...]

Workshop for gender (research) projects

Picture for Workshop

Picture for Workshop

The workshop sees itself as a specific exchange, advice and networking format for academics in qualification and students in the final phase. In the sessions, questions on project and research activities or on topics and perspectives from the field of gender research are discussed. [more...]

Writing week

Picture for Writing Week

Picture for Writing Week

The writing week offers academics with a research topic or focus in gender studies the opportunity to concentrate intensively on a writing project within the framework of their own qualification/research. [more...]

Further Education

Picture for further education

Picture for further education

In addition to the regular offers of the network office, there are also other opportunities to deal with the topic of gender and its intersections. You will find both internal and external further education options here. [more...]
